Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Knights of the Round Table!!

This year all of the boys had the opportunity to attend Day Camp! The theme was Knights of the Round Table! They had 3 days packed with all kinds of fun stuff to do!

Corbin is going to tell you about all of the things they did.

Every morning we would check into our group and then head to "Camelot" for opening ceremonies and flag raising.

The first day we met our group members and leaders. And then we got started on our activities!

My favorite activities were BB Guns and Archery. I was pretty good at BB Guns but not so good at Archery. We got to decorate shields in Art! Everyone made really cool designs.

In first aide we learned the Heimlich Maneuver, treatment for shock, CPR and what needs to be in a first aide kit.

In Science we made Dragon Drool! It was really cool! It was a mix of green food coloring, cornstarch and water.

When we went fishing I baited my line, learned to cast and tried to catch a fish. I accidentally cast over others lines a few times too. It was really fun I had a great time. We learned the rules and regulations of fishing in Arizona.

We went on a hike...we spotted trees, scout forts, plants.

At lunch one day there was an awesome water balloon catapult and we tried to catch the water balloons!

I had a lot of fun and it was cool to hang out with all my friends before we moved away! I miss you all but we are having a good time in Washington!

P.S. Markus if you read this, tell Duncan and Drew I said HI!

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