Tuesday, December 23, 2008

December Den Doings... ;)

December 3, 2008
The Wolves, Bears and Webelos took a trip to the Prescott Valley Police Department. Corbin and Seth took their cameras along...I love to see what come out of their cameras when they take them! :)


Checkin' out the Policeman's Ride!

The CELL!...and what 8-11 year old boy wouldn't think that a toilet in a cell isn't the funniest thing ever?! I don't know how safe those keys are hanging there!
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December 17, 2008 ~ Gingerbread (Graham Cracker) Houses!The most recent den meeting...sorta pack meeting since the Webelos joined in too was making Gingerbread houses! The boys all brought their choice of candy to decorate with. They all shared their spoils and were set free to let the creative mind go to work! All of the boys did a great job! It was fun to see all of the unique designs everyone came up with!
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Wow...long over due update...October & November...

The last post on here was about the September Pack Meeting...

Time sure got away from me! I can't even recall going to the October and November Pack Meetings and the December Pack Meeting was canceled...So I will depend on the pictures to tell the story and remind me of what has gone on for the last 3 months!

October ~ Okay so apparently nothing interesting happened in October...I think I remember the Pack Meeting being canceled. And we also had a Ward Party and Halloween.

November ~ Seth Young  joined the Wolves and was a little apprehensive...so I tagged along for one of the den meetings...And I am pretty sure there wasn't a Pack Meeting, if I am mistaken let me know! :)

November 19, 2008
The boys made Bagel, Bird Feeders and Granola Mix!

To make the bird feeders each of the boys got to smear peanut butter all over a mini bagel...and their hands...and then roll the bagel in bird seed. I think more peanut butter ended up on their hands than the bagels...but who's counting.

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For the Granola Mix each of the boys got to measure out an ingredient for the mix and pour it in. The Granola Mix was very yummy!
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