Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Raingutter Regatta! Pack Meeting ~ July 29, 2008

This month's Pack Meeting the boys made boats for the Raingutter Regatta!
All of the boys did a great job fixing up their boats!
Everyone had a great time and all of the boys showed great sportsmanship!

Anthony receives his Bobcat!  Upside down he goes!
Great job Anthony! Keep up the hard work!
Corbin earned two new beads for his Progress Towards Ranks Emblem!
Way to go Corbin! You've almost got your Bear!
Austin Puts on his game face! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
Everyone had a chance to race a few times and everyone did their best!
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And the winner is!!!!!!!!  Noah!  Great job Noah!
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Banana Splits for everyone!
Who's first?!
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